Literacy Council Welcomes New Board Members & Officers
The Literacy Council of Frederick County’s Board of Directors recently welcomed new members, installed new officers and acknowledged the leadership and extensive contributions of its departing President and board members whose terms recently ended.
Joining the Literacy Council’s Board are: Erik Jones, Leah Knecht, Beth Lowe and Catherine Mock.

Erik Jones is a Community Supervision Officer for the District of Columbia, a volunteer for SOS Safe Ride Foundation, and member of the National Pan Hellenic of Greater Frederick and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity.

Leah Knecht works as Talent Manager with Plamondon Hospitality Partners and among her many duties supports English language classes for their housekeeping associates.

Beth Lowe is the Operations Training & Quality Manager with Legal & General America, and is a long-time Literacy Council volunteer having previously served as Board President.

Catherine Mock brings a wealth of professional experience in business operations, the health care industry, strategic planning, marketing, human resources, as well as volunteer leadership involvement with multiple organizations.
New officers include James Grissom, M.D., President; Darrell Batson, Vice-President; Catherine “Cate” Keller, J.D., Secretary and Lisa Myers, Treasurer. The Board gratefully acknowledges the exemplary and dedicated service provided to the Literacy Council over multiple years by retiring President, Richard Haney, Ed.D. and board members Richard “Ric” Adams and Patricia Hanberry.
Continuing members of the board include: Caroline Gaver (Board Member Emeritus), Brian Guenther, Richard Haney, Ed.D., Carmen Hernandez, M.D., Sharon Jacko, Lt. Col. (Ret.), Karen Richey, Niki Thrash and Geordie Wilson.
President Jim Grissom offers his perspective on the importance of the Literacy Council’s work:
“Literacy is a basic necessary tool for all of us. Reading, speaking, and understanding English is essential to each person, their family, and to all of Frederick County and to the accomplishment of everyday life skills. Our enthusiastic volunteers work with our students one-to-one, in specialty classes, and in our new Parent and Workplace literacy programs. The COVID-19 crisis has brought new challenges which our talented staff has quickly adapted to by creating distance learning opportunities — including online classes for our new volunteers, plus resources and support so our current volunteers and students can learn remotely. Our Board is a critical link to opportunities in our community to recruit volunteers, enroll additional students, and enlist the support needed to promote work towards achieving our vision of a community where literacy is attainable for everyone. Truly, Literacy Lifts Lives.”
The new members and officers join our robust team of community leaders who oversee and guide the Literacy Council’s programs and services and strategic plan implementation. This includes two new initiatives – supporting literacy classes in the workplace for workers in the hospitality industry, and helping families with young children through its collaboration with the Judy Center and several Frederick County Public elementary schools.
The Literacy Council of Frederick County teaches adults the reading and other English language skills they need to provide for their families and to contribute to the well-being and prosperity of the whole community. You can learn more about ways to volunteer on our website. Listen to what our tutors have to say about their work on this short YouTube video!